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Bed Bug Management Service
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are known hitchhikers. The infestation is picked up and disseminated from public places such as hotels, cinema halls, hostels, rest rooms, guest room. Frequent and increased travelling is the main reason for bed bug infestation to spread.
The Treatment:
We are Have 60 days contract. In 2 month we are providing 2 services. We are doing spray for control of bed bugs. After completion of service there is necessity of closing of premises up to 3 to 4 hrs to allow insecticide residues to dry. After completion of first service we are providing second service after 15-20 days because in first service live population of bed bugs is controlled but spray can’t affect on the eggs of bed bugs. The incubation period of eggs is about 12-15 days. After that they will hatch we provide second service.
- Prevents Bed Bug bites and ensures a peaceful nighty sleep.
- Stops itching and inflammation caused by Bed Bugs.
Service Contract
Annual Contract:
6 or 12 services p.a. (Second service within 12 to 15 days after initial treatment shall be carried out in the 1st month. Balance services staggered equally during contract period)
Two Month Contract:
2-month contract consisting of initial treatment, regular check-up and re-treatment if necessary.

We have more than 20 years of experience in pest control.

Treated more than 30,000 buildings for pest control.

We focus on inspection and introduce the least amount of pest control materials in environment.

Pune :(+91) 9921 762 750 Pune :(+91) 9960 098 496